Wonders Of the first
Welcome to the One of One Hall of Fame
A community of the biggest collectors in the Wonders Of The First universe! Only NINETY-THREE (93) possible sets can EVER be assembled!
Each of these collectors has assembled the following:
-First Form: Boundless
-First Form: Heliosynth
-First Form: Petraia
-First Form: Solfera
-First Form: Thalwind
-First Form: Umbrathene
-First Form: Highlord Voluris Crestwing
-Dragon Box
Explore the One of One Hall of Fame
Requirements For The Wonders Of The First Hall Of Fame

One of the 93? Join the list below
If you’ve met the requirements to join the Wonders Of The First Hall of Fame send an email to contact@radishphysical.com.
Current Members
1. BJamps
2. Bjamps
3. BJamps
4. BJamps
5. BJamps
6. BPFergu
7. Legend
8. Legend
9. SlappyWhyte
10. Xheryk
11. Xheryk
12. EricS
13. – 93.?