The Radish List
Since 2023 Radish Dijital has given away over $20,000 in cash and prizes to the community. Below are some of those winners.
Radish Breaks
$1,000 Bounty – Jorzane (Chosen Black Ice, Radish Break 49)
$1,000 Bounty – Legend (Shadowstrike Black Titanium, Radish Break 46)
$1,000 Bounty – Smashngrab77 (Lightningrod Black Origin, Radish Break 57)
$1,000 Bounty – TitoMachado (Gigawitt Black Magma, Radish Break 62)
$1,000 Bounty – Xheryk (Bionic Black Origin, Radish Break 57)
$1,000 Bounty – Xheryk (Goldminer Black Titanium, Radish Break 62)
$100 Bounty – BillCot (Gigawitt Gold Magma, Radish Break 44)
$100 Bounty – BillCot (Botto Gold Magma, Radish Break 60)
$100 Bounty – BPFergu (WarGod Ice Gold, Radish Break 63)
$100 Bounty – BPFergu (Shadowstrike Gold Titanium, Radish Break 53)
$100 Bounty – BPFergu (Color Pop 1:100 Guarantee, Radish Break 60)
$100 Bounty – Cryptoblogger (WarGod Titanium Gold, Radish Break 64)
$100 Bounty – —Eric— (Rockstar Gold Origin, Radish Break 60)
$100 Bounty – Galileo (Go-Cart Origin Gold, Radish Break 63)
$100 Bounty – Galileo (WarGod Biohazard Gold, Radish Break 63)
$100 Bounty – Ginobli (Vampire Fire Gold, Radish Break 63)
$100 Bounty – Ginobli (Botto Gold Ice, Radish Break 57)
$100 Bounty – GT (Ollie Magma Gold, Radish Break 77)
$100 Bounty – GT (Snowbear Ice Gold, Radish Break 76)
$100 Bounty – GT (Thorn Gold Ice, Radish Break 48)
$100 Bounty – Heisenberg44 (Color Pop 1:100 Guarantee, Radish Break 65
$100 Bounty – Heisenberg44 (Go-Cart Titanium Gold, Radish Break 65)
$100 Bounty – KPHamilton (Rocket Biohazard Gold, Radish Break 76)
$100 Bounty – KyleD005 (Bomber Gold Origin, Radish Break 49)
$100 Bounty – KyleD005 (Goldminer Gold Titanium, Radish Break 49)
$100 Bounty – KyleD005 (Harpoon Gold Titanium, Radish Break 57)
$100 Bounty – KyleD005 (Chosen Gold Origin, Radish Break 51)
$100 Bounty – Legend (Cupid Gold Magma, Radish Break 52)
$100 Bounty – KyleD005 (Blackbeard Gold Magma, Radish Break 60)
$100 Bounty – Legend (Tank Gold Biohazard, Radish Break 53)
$100 Bounty – Milvec (Gold Shepherd Biohazard, Radish Break 46)
$100 Bounty – Milvec (Burrocious Gold Fire, Radish Break 53)
$100 Bounty – MJNo23GOAT (Cruze-Control Origin Gold, Radish Break 64)
$100 Bounty – MJNo23GOAT (Runner Gold Titanium, Radish Break 60)
$100 Bounty – MLB2382 (Gold Lt Titanium, Radish Break 44)
$100 Bounty – Nate (Turntable Titanium Gold, Radish Break 76)
$100 Bounty – Nate (Color Pop 1:100 Guarantee, Radish Break 65)
$100 Bounty – NFTChapter (Forcefield Gold Fire, Radish Break 47)
$100 Bounty – Petrarca (Coinslot Gold Biohazard, Radish Break 53)
$100 Bounty – SDYote (Foxhole Gold Ice, Radish Break 48)
$100 Bounty – Smashngrab77 (Color Pop Guarantee, Radish Break 64)
$100 Bounty – Smashngrab77 (Superbaby Gold Fire, Radish Break 57)
$100 Bounty – Smashngrab77 (Gold Botto Magma, Radish Break 44)
$100 Bounty – Smashngrab77 (Vampire Gold Fire, Radish Break 62)
$100 Bounty – TexHooper (Lieutenant Gold Ice, Radish Break 62)
$100 Bounty – TitoMachado (Matata Gold Magma, Radish Break 62)
$100 Bounty – Viking (Coinslot Gold Titanium, Radish Break 52)
$100 Bounty – Xheryk (Turntable Origin Gold, Radish Break 76)
$100 Bounty – Xheryk (Yeti Gold Fire, Radish Break 52)
$100 Bounty – Xheryk (J-Jetts Gold Magma, Radish Break 52)
$100 Bounty – YoYo909 (Lightningrod Ice Gold, Radish Break 77)
$50 Bounty – BPFergu (Vampire Origin Red, Radish Break 63)
$50 Bounty – College31 (Cha-Ching Ice Red, Radish Break 63)
$50 Bounty – EricS (Vampire Fire Red, Radish Break 65)
$50 Bounty – Gator (WarGod Fire Red, Radish Break 64)
$50 Bounty – GT (Rocket Biohazard Red, Radish Break 77)
$50 Bounty – GT (Torque Fire Red, Radish Break 76)
$50 Bounty – Heffery (BoJax Origin Red, Radish Break 65)
$50 Bounty – HodlBo (BoJax Titanium Red, Radish Break 76)
$50 Bounty – JennConn (Vampire Fire Red, Radish Break 63)
$50 Bounty – Jordan (Snowbear Fire Red, Radish Break 77)
$50 Bounty – MLB2382 (Chosen Biohazard Red, Radish Break 63)
$50 Bounty – Milvec (Cruze-Control Biohazard Red, Radish Break 65)
$50 Bounty – Milvec (Rockstar Biohazard Red, Radish Break 65)
$50 Bounty – Milvec (Solar Power Biohazard Red, Radish Break 65)
$50 Bounty – Milvec (Vampire Ice Red, Radish Break 65)
$50 Bounty – Rilbiz (Lighningrod Fire Red, Radish Break 64)
$50 Bounty – Smashngrab77 (Cha-Ching Fire Red, Radish Break 63)
$50 Bounty – Smashngrab77 (Solar Power Ice Red, Radish Break 63)
$50 Bounty – Smashngrab77 (Chosen Origin Red, Radish Break 64)
$25 Bounty – BillCot (BoJax Fire Common, Radish Break 63)
$25 Bounty – BPFergu (BoJax Fire Blue, Radish Break 63)
$25 Bounty – BPFergu (BoJax Fire Common, Radish Break 63)
$25 Bounty – Billcot (BoJax Origin Common, Radish Break 65)
$25 Bounty – Billcot (BoJax Origin Common, Radish Break 65)
$25 Bounty – EricS (BoJax Origin Common, Radish Break 65)
$25 Bounty – EricS (BoJax Origin Common, Radish Break 65)
$25 Bounty – Gator (BoJax Origin Common, Radish Break 64)
$25 Bounty – Heisenberg44 (BoJax Fire Common, Radish Break 65)
$25 Bounty – Heisenberg44 (BoJax Origin Common, Radish Break 65)
$25 Bounty – Johns24 (BoJax Fire Common, Radish Break 64)
$25 Bounty – KyleD005 (BoJax Fire Aqua, Radish Break 63)
$25 Bounty – Milvec (BoJax Fire Blue, Radish Break 65)
$25 Bounty – Milvec (BoJax Origin Blue, Radish Break 65)
$25 Bounty – Milvec (BoJax Origin Common, Radish Break 65)
$25 Bounty – Milvec (BoJax Origin Common, Radish Break 65)
$25 Bounty – Milvec (BoJax Origin Common, Radish Break 65)
$25 Bounty – MLB2382 (BoJax Origin Common, Radish Break 65)
$25 Bounty – Nate (BoJax Fire Common, Radish Break 65)
$25 Bounty – NFTChapter (BoJax Origin Common, Radish Break 63)
$25 Bounty – Rilbiz (BoJax Origin Aqua, Radish Break 64)
$25 Bounty – Rockitect (BoJax Fire Common, Radish Break 64)
$25 Bounty – Rodie (BoJax Origin Common, Radish Break 65)
$25 Bounty – Smashngrab77 (BoJax Fire Common, Radish Break 63)
$25 Bounty – SMVrodman (BoJax Fire Blue, Radish Break 63)
$25 Bounty – SMVrodman (BoJax Fire Common, Radish Break 63)
200 BPx – BJamps (Back to back Blue, Radish Break 51)
200 BPx – Paxman (Back to back Blue, Radish Break 49)
100 BPx – BJamps (Back to back Aqua, Radish Break 51)
100 BPx – HODLBO (Picked spot of 1st color, Radish Break 77)
100 BPx – MJNo23GOAT (Back to back Aqua, Radish Break 49)
100 BPx – Rodie4 (Back to back Aqua, Radish Break 49)
100 BPx – Smashngrab77 (Back to back Aqua, Radish Break 57)
100 BPx – Smashngrab77 (Back to back Aqua, Radish Break 57)
HTH Baseball Break Spot – DeleonLakers2000 (Giveaway, Radish Break 45)
BPx Token Giveaway
500 BPx – CPHurley (Correctly guessing 1st Black/Gold Bounty Winner)
250 BPx – HermieMadoff (attended HTH Fantasy Winner Box Break)
500 BPx – Sonny (attended HTH Fantasy Winner Box Break)
HTH Fantasy Sports Boxes (Courtesy of Blokpax)
HTH Basketball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – 2048 (Random, Week 15)
HTH Basketball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – 2048 (Random, Week 24)
HTH Baseball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – BigDobs (1st Place, Week 3)
HTH Baseball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – Bigler (1st Place, Week 5)
HTH Baseball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – Bigler (Random, Week 7)
HTH Football Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – BYUofU (Random, Week 22)
HTH Basketball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – Cloud (1st Place, Week 24)
HTH Baseball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – College31 (1st Place, Week 6)
HTH Basketball Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – DeleonLakers (1st Place, Week 17)
HTH Baseball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – DeleonLakers (1st Place, Week 4)
HTH Basketball Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – DHoovey (Random, Week 13)
HTH Basketball Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – DHoovey (1st Place, Week 14)
HTH Football Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – DHoovey (Random, Week 21)
HTH Baseball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – DoctaBre (1st Place, Week 8)
HTH Baseball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – Fastballa (1st Place, Weeks 1&2)
HTH Basketball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – FlyingNinja (1st Place, Week 18)
HTH Basketball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – FlyingNinja (1st Place, Week 20)
HTH Basketball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – Heffery (Random, Week 23)
HTH Basketball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – Heffery (1st Place, Week 13)
HTH Baseball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – Heffery (Random, Week 3)
HTH Baseball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – Heffery (Random, Week 4)
HTH Baseball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – Heffery (Random, Week 8)
HTH Football Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – JimmyG (1st Place, Week 21)
HTH Football Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – JMilles (1st Place, Week 22)
HTH Basketball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – Jorzane (Random, Week 14)
HTH Football ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – Jorzane (Random, Postseason)
HTH Basketball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – KPHamilton (Random, Play-in)
HTH Basketball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – KyleD (Random, Week 20)
HTH Basketball Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – Loko4 (BPX AD Trivia Game)
HTH Basketball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – Majrob (Random, Week 22)
HTH Basketball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – MaxF3 (1st Place, Play-in)
HTH Basketball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – MJNo23GOAT (Random, Week 21)
HTH Basketball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – Nate (1st Place, Week 22)
HTH Basketball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – NickW (1st Place, Week 21)
HTH Basketball Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – NickW (Random, Week 17)
HTH Basketball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – NickW (1st Place, Round1)
HTH Basketball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – Paxman (Random, Week 18)
HTH Basketball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – Randorino (1st Place, Week 23)
HTH Basketball Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – Skol (1st Place, Week 15)
HTH Basketball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – Smash (Random, Week 19)
HTH Basketball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – SubHubGrdg (Random, Rd 1 Playoffs)
HTH Basketball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – Smashngrab (Random, Week 19)
HTH Basketball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – Swynot (1st Place, Postseason)
HTH Baseball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – TSage (Random, Weeks 1&2)
HTH Basketball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – Tsage (1st Place, Week 19)
HTH Basketball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – Westau (1st Place, Conf Semi)
HTH Baseball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – YoYo909 (1st Place, Week 7)
HTH Baseball ’24 Box (courtesy of Blokpax) – YoYo909 (Random, Week 6)